Tuesday, March 25, 2008


In every culture, holidays are steeped in tradition. For our family this is particularly true for Christmas but not so much for Easter. Even so, this Easter was completely different than any other Easter I have ever celebrated. We didn’t get to spend the day with our extended family nor did we get the traditional dinner because the only traditional restaurant we were close to was PACKED to overflowing.

Our kids did get to look for the eggs the Easter bunny left them and they did get a basket of goodies too. They also got to decorate our motel room with small paper bunnies, eggs and chicks that they had colored. They did not get to color real eggs though. It’s really hard to boil eggs when all you have is a tiny microwave. (Would it even work or would the eggs explode? I’m not telling my son about that teachable moment. He’ll definitely want to try it.)

Today, my kids start their “internet school” as they call it. It seems to be going well and my daughter definitely likes it. My son is itching to get on for his turn. And I want on the computer too. I have to use my pc to convert some files to WPC before I can upload them to the store. Hopefully, I’ll get them loaded today so you can see them too.

Have you checked out Shirley’s blog. I know she’s got some exciting things going on so you should hop on over there to check it out.

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