Monday, October 3, 2011

Even More Blessings

If you have been reading my blog for a while now, you know that two years ago, our daughter, Ilaria, had a school show and tell assignment.  She immediately brought the most precious things she owned and they were stolen during a late-night break-in at the school.  She was devastated.  Yet, she was then uplifted and blessed by the kindness of a total stranger who we later learned was Mr. Charlie.  You can read more about those experiences here, here and here.

Well, it turns out Mr. Charlie makes a habit of blessing people and we were fortunate to join in on his fun this past week-end. 

Not only does Charlie make a weekly visit to the county jail to minister to the youth there, he started his own homeless ministry.  He's named it Kay's Ministry in honor of his mother.  Every Sunday, he drives into downtown Tampa and shares the Good News and then feeds and clothes the homeless. 

We were so excited to hear about Kay's Ministry because the shelter where we used to volunteer had closed and even more excited because we just knew if Mr. Charlie was involved, it had to be good.  There is no center, though.  Mr. Charlie makes the rounds of 4 parking lots and feeds about 80-100 people every week.

Here's a picture of Mr. Charlie sharing:

And here's one of Ilaria passing out cookies:

And one of Bryce passing out religious items:

The man in this picture was so sweet.  It was his birthday this past week and he was just so happy to get a simple ham sandwich.

I'm also pretty proud of our kiddos.  They are normally shy.  Yet, while we were out there, they had no problem jumping in and helping out wherever they were needed.  They even want to bring some friends next week.

I am so grateful that Mr. Charlie continues to bless our children and so many other people too.

Until next time, Happy Creative Time!


Anna said...

Such a blessing you ALL are. Thank you for sharing and doing my heart good.

Vicki L said...

Great, now I'm all sniffly! How wonderful that your kids are wanting to share and bless others. Just shows what a great job you are doing as parents! Blessings to all of you.

TonyaKaye said...

Sounds like that you are bring up your children in a wonderful way!