Monday, February 20, 2012

The Light

It's an exciting time in our home.  We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!  Wahoozles!

You see, for almost the entire last two years, my hubby has been taking the War College classes he needs to get promoted in the Air Force.  It is a HUGE correspondence course that they give you 3 years to finish.  If you can take it in residence, you earn a Masters Degree for it.

For this course, Bryan has been constantly carrying around huge 3" binders and reading, rereading and memorizing those binders.  He would then take a HUGE timed essay test over the binders and then start the whole thing over again with the next set of binders.

These binders went EVERYWHERE with the hubby.  He read them on the bus to and from work.  He read them at our kids' music lessons, Tae Kwon Do classes, Boy Scout Meetings, the beach, the park, and everywhere else you can imagine.

Well, last week, after almost 22 months, Bryan finally finished his last test and wrapped up the development plan (the last project for the course) and sent it in.  Yay!  Now, all we have to do is wait for the results.  Wahoozles!

And, what will the hubby do now that he can read anything he wants?  He actually gets to read anything of his own choosing.  Amazing, huh?!!!

Look what he chose first:

I think he misses his War College books already.  LOL!

Until next time, Happy Creative Time!

1 comment:

Anna said...

How exciting!!! Best of everything to you all!!!