Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Good Riddance?

When a virus comes knocking, it's time to postpone. That's what happened to us this past week-end and so tomorrow we're going to celebrate Christmas with one of my oldest friends who happens to be my daughter's God-mother as well. I'm glad she's finally feeling better because we always have fun whenever we get together.

Perhaps we'll even celebrate Good Riddance Day together. Have you ever heard of this? It's a fairly new holiday--just three years old. Yet I think it has potential. Being so new, there's not a lot of traditions involved. Simply put, you write down the things you'd like to say adios to on a piece of paper and then put it through the shredder. It's a way to rid yourself of bad memories, bad habits (okay, it's just a start), etc. Personally, I can think of a lot of things I'd like to bid good riddance like viruses, mosquitoes and rude drivers among other things. How about you? What would you bid good riddance?

Until next time, Happy Creative Time!


Elizabeth said...

Sounds like a great holiday to me.. I would like to say good riddance to heartburn!!
Sounds like you are going to have a good time with your friend, take care.

Anonymous said...

Right now Ileana I want to say good riddance to this stupid flu bug.

Anonymous said...

right now I would like to say good riddance to murphy's law. Especially as it applies to my family, I just sent my hubby off to military training for another few months and the littlest two of my children vomited before during both ways and after the drive to the airport so I get to clean everything all by myself! YUCK!!! Hopefully I will not catch what they have...