Monday, October 19, 2009

A Scary Journaling Challenge

Phew! I am glad this day is almost over. I hit the floor running bright and early at 5:00 this morning and haven't stopped yet. Fortunately, there's nothing left on my to-do list that absolutely has to be done tonight--oh, except for giving the hamster some veggies. I can handle that one. LOL! Tomorrow's going to be another busy one too but I'll deal with that at 5:00 AM tomorrow.

Tonight, I want to hear about your scary experiences. Specifically, I want to know what was your earliest scary memory. For me, it was those darn flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz. Those things scared the bejeebers out of me. LOL!

I can still remember it as if it were yesterday. Our TV was the floor console model and it was black and white. (Yes, I was born before they invented colors but that's another story for another day.) and my sister and I shared a bedroom right off the living room. My sister was so excited that The Wizard of Oz was coming on and so I sat with her to watch it. Everything was okay until those monkeys came in and tried to get Toto. I had to cover my eyes and ears but that wasn't good enough. Nope, I ran to bed but I could still hear the TV. My family kept trying to reassure me that everything would be okay and that Toto wouldn't be hurt but I was terrified.

Seriously, it was many years before I could watch The Wizard of Oz again. Now, my kids laugh at me when I tell them about it. I guess they wonder what bejeebers are what do you do when you don't have any anymore. LOL!

So, tell me, what scared you as a kid? I'd love to hear your scary stories so please talk to me!


Kelly S said...

I wasn't easily scared as a child, but I do remember watching the Twilight Zone with a couple of older kids and being scared. I don't think it was so much the show itself, but we were watching in a dark room and one of them left, then came back in, snuck up on me from behind and yelled as they poked me in the back. I was mad at him for a week after that! LOL

Lisa said...

Wow, this brings back memories for me. I was about 8 years old, went to see the movie "Jaws" with my Grandparents. I'm pretty sure it took my parents about 2 weeks before I would take a bath without someone in there. I was scared the shark would come up through that little bitty drain in the tub. My kiddo's still get a laugh out of this story, usually placing plastic sharks in my bathtub when they can! LOL

tonyakaye said...

My little sister was in her late teens before she could watch the complete Wizard of Oz! I on the other hand love, love, love scary movies!

Lisa Avolio said...

I don't remember seeing any scary movies, but I was the older of two children, and one of the oldest of my cousins.
I do remember being quite scared as a little girl when I realized I had gone ahead of my mom and stepped on the "up" escalator without her. She didn't even realize at first where I had gone, and she was not going up. I panicked and scrambled to go back down it faster than it was going up. It was tense for a bit, and I fully deserved the scare. After that, I think I kept a little closer, so it was a good lesson.

Elizabeth said...

hummm, when I was a kid nothing reallllly scared me, I remember watching "scary" movies with my sister at night and when the movie was over, just going off to bed.
Although I do have to admit, i was afraid to go into a corn field alone after watching the movie, "Children of the Corn" but hey I was 9 then.
Oh and "Cujo", that did scare me as well, I was afraid of dogs for a few

Susan and Lane Ross said...

Well, for me it was "Willard." When I was 15 and still couldn't drive, my mom let me borrow the Turtle -- our big green station wagon -- for the night so that my friend Becky could drive all ten of my friends to the drive-in to see "Willard." Needless to say, we were packed in like rats! At a particularly gruesome part of the movie, one of my clever friends tickled my leg. I nearly took the roof off the car, trying to get away. Sometimes your best friend can be your worst enemy...