Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Contest & The Newsletter Too

Wow! I'm impressed with all the comments and guesses. Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate them!

I'm still taking guesses so, feel free to leave me a comment. I'll even give you a bit more information.

I came close to filling a 4gb SD card but not quite. I also started with a completely blank SD card. In addition to that, we were at Animal Kingdom from 9:00 AM until a little after 4:00 PM. (Okay, we did get rained out. Drenched actually.)

We were at Sea World from 9:00 AM until after 10:00 PM. Yep, we stayed the entire day. My daughter and I were so close to the closing fireworks that soot from them fell on our skin and in our hair. We definitely closed down the park.

So, tell me, how many pictures do you think I took over the two days we spent in Orlando?

It's also newsletter time again. Yep, we've been very busy getting together another awesome Paperthreads Newsletter together for you. We're still putting on the finishing touches which is really good news for you. That means you still have time to sign up if you haven't already done so. You can do that here. Oh, and yes, you really want to do that! You don't want to miss out on cool articles and freebies too do you?

Happy Scrapping!


Heidi said...

432....LOL...I know I probably would have taken that many! LOL...

ninamerle said...

I am guessing you took over 3000 pictures. I went to italy and took that many. So i know you must of done at least that many. Nina
Ps , would love to see some.

Kelly said...

A 4GB memory card can hold a lot of pictures, depending on the quality you have it set to. I am going to guess 1483. Sounds like you had a great time, and now you will have lots to scrap!