Thursday, May 14, 2009

I Must Be Forgetting Something

Earlier this week, I was feeling overwhelmed with all the things I had to do. Now, everything is going so well and I'm caught up on almost everything. I even have my free file all ready to go for tomorrow. Woo Hoo! That's a reason to be proud.

Now, I wonder what I am forgetting. Surely, with as stressed as I was earlier this week, I can't have it all together now. There must be something that I'm forgetting. LOL! But I refuse to stress over that today!

I am so very excited about the free files I got ready to go today. Yes, you read that correctly. Files with an "s."

You see, there's the regular weekly freebie and there's this other little file. It's one I've been meaning to share for a long time now. It actually came about because of a tragic request I saw posted on one of my Yahoo groups. The person was in desperate need of a sympathy card and would even pay someone to make one for her.

That got me to thinking. I didn't think it was right for someone to profit off of another person's loss and so, I took my template for my Angled Lattice Cards and made a Sympathy Lattice Card. Here's a picture of a cut card:and here is a one of the card front panel that is included for those with smaller cutters:

The gsd, knk, svg and wpc versions are on the Paperthreads Forum. The ai version is available right here. The password is IagreetoTOU. Regardless of where you get the file, it is still governed by my Terms of Use. Thanks in advance.

Happy Scrapping!


Elizabeth said...

it is a gorgeous file, thanks.

Carol said...

Thanks for the freebies. We are always needing sympathy cards here at work for one thing or another, so maybe I'll have to do up a few to have on hand. Thanks again.

TammyB said...

Thanks for sharing - however, the link for the .ai file requires a password and I didn't see one posted.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Elements post on May. 28, 2009. Thanks again.