Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Unpacking, Chunks, and Power Tools

I’m sorry. My hiatus was a little longer than I thought it would be. I wish I could say we are all done unpacking, organizing and decorating but that’s not the case. The fact is, it is going to be a while before we’ll be ready for guests but as soon as it’s all done, you can all come on over for a barbecue.

I also wish I could say that all our stuff arrived safely but that’s not the case either. Most of our stuff is okay but the movers did not do so well with some pieces. I can’t complain too much about the small scratches but I did not expect to find chunks missing from my cedar chest. Chunks. I’m not kidding. My cedar chest was my college graduation gift from my parents. It was handmade—truly HANDMADE without the benefit of power tools—by an Amish farmer. ARGH!!!

Speaking of power tools, I’m afraid it’ll be a bit longer before I’m cutting again with my KNK. I know where it’s at—and that’s a really good thing—but I’ve got lots more to do before I can get to it. Hopefully I’ll be there later this week because I have several files just waiting to be test cut and loaded up to the store. I think you’ll like them. But for now, I've got more unpacking to do.

1 comment:

debenj said...

So sorry to hear about your cedar chest. I remember whenever we moved it always seemed like we would be missing a few boxes and of course, they never were found. Is the chest fixable? Sure hope so!