Tuesday, November 15, 2011

WWII Veteran

Thank you so much for your well wishes.  After a doctor's visit, three new prescriptions and an hour long nap, I am on the mend.  I do have to say that I love my doctor.  When I told the hubby about my appointment, I think even he had to agree that my doctor is cool.  But that's another story.  LOL!

I promised you some more creative stuff today.  Well, it's not as exciting as a free file but here is one of the projects I finished up this week-end.

We had to call my father-in-law this week-end to get some more information from him for the journaling.  All the pictures I have from his military service are in black and white.  Considering that, it's hard to distinguish what colors the ribbons on his uniform are but it's all sorted out now. 

It was funny, though.  My hubby insisted that I include the Parachute Wings and Glider Wings on the layout even though I have them on other pages for the John's book.  Bryan insisted that he must be particularly proud of those two because he kept reminding Bryan about them.  LOL!  I think they are on three different layouts in a row now.

Until next time, Happy Creative Time!


Anna said...

I'm so glad that you are on the mend. Your layout is wonderful!!!

Caroline said...

Happy to read you are doing better ! Funnily enough the two elements my eyes were drawn to were the badges, I think they make a wonderful addition!