Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Upside Down & a Photo Too

Phew!  Our daughter's science fair project is now complete and two days early too!  That was important because she also had to prepare a speech that was due the same day.  Yes, that is done now too.  She'll need the extra time to practice. 

And all of this is upside down.

Ilaria is our youngest.  She is in the fourth grade.  Bryce is our oldest and he is in sixth grade--in his first year of middle school with more subjects than Ilaria.  Yet, guess who always has more homework.  Yep, our youngest.  Go figure!  LOL!

I'm also a bit upside down because I am waiting on pictures.  I haven't had to wait on pictures in a long time and, boy, I really appreciate my digital camera and printer now!  We took an underwater film camera when we went swimming with the manatees and we haven't had the chance to drop off the film yet.  Gee, I hope we can find someone who will process it.  LOL!

I do have pictures from our trip to Sea World but I'm just going to share just one today.  Here is a picture of my mom, Ida, and my brother, Rick:

It was my mom's first trip to Sea World and she loved it.  That's saying a lot.  You see, before we left, she said she didn't care if we went or not because she wouldn't see any butterflies there.  LOL!  She loves butterflies.

Stay tuned for later this week when there will be loads of fun, games and excitement--and more pictures too!  (Yep, I have some more surprises up my sleeve!)

Until then, Happy Creative Time!


Caroline said...

congrats on finishing the science project early! what a relief to have that out of the way :) Looks as though your Mum had a great time at Sea World!

TonyaKaye said...

I can't wait to see your manatee pictures. I love them. We have "adoped" one from Save the Manatee Club. I have my guest room decorated in Manatees and Ocras. I have been trying to fine an "Old" license plate from Flordia that has the manatee on it.

Anna said...

Thanks once again for sharing your life with us. I love it. Can't wait to see your pictures and I am so glad your mom enjoyed her trip.