Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Phew!  It's been a busy night around here.  We had lots of trick-or-treaters and the kids had lots of fun.  Our kiddos went with several friends and Dad too.  Of course, Miffy, our dog had to go for the long walk too.  She wasn't too crazy about all the kids in masks but even she had fun.  I'm pretty sure we all will sleep well tonight.

What about you?  How was your Halloween?  Did you have fun?

How about a contest?  I have two kiddos:  a boy and a girl.  Guess what they dressed up as.

I'll give a free file to two lucky guessers via random drawing.  So, what did my kids dress up as?

Hmm.  Too hard?  Neither of them dressed up as what they want to be when they grew up so no rocket scientists and no veterinarians.  Also, the two did not dress up as related things (no salt and pepper nor paper and scissors. LOL!).

Until next time, Happy Creative Time!


lilred said...

I will guess that one was a pirate and the other was a ballerina

hrk_md said...

Harry Potter and Mother Teresa

Anonymous said...

Maybe a princess and a vampire.

Caroline said...

princess and a knight!

sharonscraps said...

A transformer and a princess

Pam S said...

Candy Corn and a taco! LOL I saw those somewhere online and it was so cute!

TonyaKaye said...

Happy children to the best mom???

Patti said...

Let's try a soldier and a witch.