What do bacon, pearls, soda straws, popcorn and draperies have in common?
The first person with the right answer will win their choice of a free file and, as usual, all guessers will go into a random drawing for another free file. The contest will close on Monday morning when I come back here to blog. Also, each person gets only one guess.
Good luck and Happy Creative Time!
Not sure if we should post or email? So here goes, they all have to be manufactured. Wondered if this is things you have seen on your trip.
I'm thinking....I'm thinking....
Types of cave formations?
Speleothem" means a natural secondary mineral formation or deposit occurring in a cave.
"Speleothem" a natural mineral formation or deposit occurring in a caves.
They are all Speleothems (rock formations)!
Ok I cheated - Adam is right. I would have never guess that.
They can all be hung
They are all cave formations. Looks like I am too late though. Good luck to all and safe travels to Ileana and family.
I was drawing a blank, Not even the same number of vowels! Looks like I need to read a bit more about caves. I assume you visited one on your trip.
I was going to say a cave formation but I see it's already been answered. LOL
I'm guessing that maybe they're all things that a pet cat loves.
I'm guessing that they're all things a pet cat loves.
I didn't have a clue, but I see many of your commenters are much more knowledgeable about cave formations than I am. Actually, I probably should have known this since I have visited a few caverns in recent years.
They are all composed of calcite, epsomite, gypsum, aragonite, celestite and other similar minerals.
They are all composed of calcite, epsomite, gypsum, aragonite, celestite and other similar minerals
I was going to say things that can be hung. Thanks to people above, I know it is cave related.
fourkidstwocats at msn dot com
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