Monday, December 20, 2010

Pleasant Surprises

Thank you for all your lovely comments over the week-end.  I appreciate them very much.

We had a fun packed week-end.  The hubby decided it was time to reward the kids for all their good grades and all the books they have been reading.  So, we surprised the kiddos with passes to Busch Gardens.  We spent a large chunk of Saturday there and then returned on Sunday for a second dose.  The hubby and the kiddos are roller coaster fanatics.  Me?  I am very happy to say that I am the official stuff-sitter.  LOL!

On Saturday, I also realized I had forgotten to make Ilaria an outfit for her doll.  I came across the pattern in my stash earlier this fall and decided it would make the perfect Christmas gift for her.  I set it aside because she was home then and I totally forgot all about it until this week-end--right after she got out of school for Christmas break. 

I just knew I wouldn't be able to make it and keep it as a surprise with her around the house now!  Yet, I decided to make it nonetheless.  You know what?  You aren't going to believe this because I still don't believe it myself.

I not only cut out the outfit but sewed the entire thing today!  I started it right after I finished cleaning up after breakfast and had it completely finished before lunch this afternoon.  The best part?  Ilaria didn't even notice.  She was here the entire time but didn't come near me nor did she ask what I was doing.  That's a first!  She's normally right there peeking at whatever I am working on but not today.  How cool is that?!?!?!

So, now I have one more gift to wrap:  a Tae Kwon Do uniform for Ilaria's doll with the belt colors that match the ones she's already earned plus the next two to come.  I'm sure she'll love it.  I know I love that it will still be a surprise.

Until next time, Happy Creative Time!


Ginger (Games) said...

She knew it was for her and didn't want to mess up the surprise, lol. Glad you got it done and you enjoyed the weekend with the family!

Sue aka barracudasue said...

VERY cool that you got it made and she didn't even realize what you were doing....or DID she? ROFLOL

You're one very talented lady to get that done so fast! I'm sure it's amazing!

Glad you have a wonderful weekend! That's priceless! :)

Anna said...

WOW it takes me that long to thread a needle. LOL Sounds like a great weekend and that is great she left you alone to finish your masterpiece...that is for her :)

Anonymous said...

That is fantastic! Mine were onto me as soon as they came down from nap time and saw the color of the scraps of fabric! Hope your gift went over well.